Bee Nest Removal Woking

A Safe & Effective Way to Deal With Your Bee Infestation

Call us on 01293 365140


Although bees are of massive importance to us, sometimes, they nest in the wrong place, which ends up affecting the place we live or work. And while it may feel morally wrong to remove a beehive and all of its inhabitants, many people do it because it's necessary. The issue is that if you let the beehive be, every 5-8 days, it will grow bigger, and so will the problems with it.

Active Bee Nest and the Danger That Comes With It

Having a healthy population of bees around your property is a great thing. However, the moment the beehive grows outside of what is considered safe, you have a problem that you can't neglect. Should you decide to let the beehive be and hope that it goes away (many people do that), you may suffer the consequences, which can include:

  • Increased risk of getting attacked and stung
  • Having an allergic reaction
  • If you run a business, bees can irritate your customers and cause them to leave

Aside from the above, if you or anyone around (including pets) is allergic to bees, a single sting can be fatal. That's why when you have a beehive on your property, it's best to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Signs Honey Bees Have Nested on Your Property

The first and most obvious sign is to be able to see the nest out in the clear. Sadly, this isn't very common in the Woking area due to the poor weather we typically have in the UK. As a result, Woking bees have learned to nest in sheltered locations (such as inside your home) that are protected both from the weather and any predators nearby. If that's the case with you, some other signs you should listen and look out for include:

  • Signs of beeswax around your property
  • A large number of bees flying in and out of the same place
  • Buzzing sounds coming from one direction
  • A higher than usual bee activity on and around your property

How Our Bee Control Service in Woking Works

Our bee nest removal service is relatively straightforward. At the day and time of your appointment, our team will turn up with all the necessary tools and equipment to safely remove the beehive and collect swarms that may have occurred. The whole process shouldn't take more than an hour.

With that said, not all bees nest in convenient locations. Some species of worker bees prefer to nest in sheltered locations, such as the wall cavity of your home. If that's the case with you, the nest removal process can take a little longer as we don't want to damage your property in the process. Following the treatment, our experts will also give you some free advice on what you can do to prevent future problems with flying pests such as bees, wasps, and others.

Enquire about Bee Nest Removal Woking

Don't neglect your beehive and risk suffering the consequences. Get in touch with our fully insured specialists today and get a competitively priced quote for our service.

Bee Nest Removal Woking FAQs

Unless you want to put yourself and everyone around you (including your pets) at risk, we strongly advise against doing so. If you get close to the beehive, the bees will feel threatened and will attack in numbers. This can lead to you getting multiple stings and developing an allergic reaction. If you happen to be allergic, a single sting from a bee can also be fatal.

It's better to be safe than sorry. That's why we recommend hiring a bee removal specialist who can get rid of the bee colony quickly and safely for you.

Generally speaking, the average beehive can be removed in about an hour. If the beehive is outdoors, the process can be quicker. If the beehive is located inside your attic space or cavity walls, then the removal process can take a little longer

This is because our specialists will take their time with the removal process so they don't damage your property. Following the initial inspection of our experts, they'll be able to give you a better idea of how long it will take for your particular case.

Though there are never guarantees, there are certain steps you can take to minimise the chances of bees coming back again in the future. Following our visit, we'd recommend that you:

  • Seal all gaps on the exterior of your property (that way bees can't make their way inside)
  • Regularly clean all your surfaces and never leave food or garbage in easily accessible places
  • Strip away the bees from all essential resources, such as water and food

If you want to go a step further, you may even install a dummy wasp nest, which the bees will see and move on to a different location when looking for a suitable place to nest.