Wasp Nest Removal Woking

A Safe, Humane, and Effective Treatment Against Wasp Nests

Call us on 01293 365140


A thriving population of wasps nearby the place you live or work can cause a lot of distress to you and everyone around. Our job is to prevent the problem from escalating further by removing the nest and its inhabitants quickly, safely, and in the most humane manner possible. If you're dealing with a wasp nest, don't wait for the problem to get worse.

Dangers of a Wasp Nest and Why We Advise You to Remove It

If an active wasp nest isn't dealt with in a timely manner, eventually, it will get out of control and you will have a pretty big wasp problem that you will be forced to address. A thriving wasp nest housing thousands of wasps will lead to:

  • An increased risk of getting attacked and stung multiple times
  • An increased risk of fatalities in people and animals allergic to wasps
  • Contamination of food and the spread of diseases
  • Displacement of other friendly insects such as bees
  • Structural damage to your property

Fortunately, wasps are pretty easy to deal with when their nest is removed before it grows out of proportion. So, if you have or suspect that there is a wasp nest nearby, don't wait and risk your health and the well-being of others.

Signs You Have an Active Wasp Nest on Your Property

Unlike other insects, wasps aren't great at keeping to themselves. As a result, if you have a wasp nest on your property, 8 out of 10 times, you will know. However, if the wasp nest isn't out in the open where you can clearly see it, you may have trouble figuring out if there is a wasp nest on your property.

This is especially relevant as many species of wasps in Woking nest in different places, including underground, in your attic space, or even in the cavity wall. If that's the case in your situation, we advise you to also:

  • Listen for a constant buzzing sound coming from one direction
  • The number of wasps you start to see flying around keeps increasing
  • Presence of chewed wood or papery material
  • Multiple wasps entering and exiting the same spot

How Our Wasp Nest Removal Service Works

The first step you need to take is to contact our wasp removal specialists and get a quote, which will be a guaranteed fixed price for the entire service. If you're happy with the quote, you can book our same-day service (subject to availability) or at a date and time that best works for you.

When your appointment is due, our team will arrive at your property with all the tools and equipment they need. During the initial inspection, our team will locate the nest and identify the species that inhabit it. Then, they'll tell you to step aside for safety reasons and get to work.

Despite the fact that we won't use any chemicals and pesticides (we remove wasps and the nest manually), we offer guaranteed results. That way, not only do we humanely resolve your wasp problem but we don't harm any other insects that live in the area.

Enquire about Wasp Nest Removal Woking

Contact our pest control specialists today and let us deal with the nest and the wasps on your behalf.

Wasp Nest Removal Woking FAQs

Unless you're an expert, you will have a difficult time knowing exactly which one of the seven most common wasp species is nesting on your property. With that said, after you've done your research on what to look for, here are a few pointers that will help you identify the wasp species without getting too close to the nest.

  • Observe the wasp's physical characteristics
  • Examine the wasp's nesting behavior
  • Pay close attention to the wasp's behavior

If you are not allergic to wasps, a single sting from a wasp won't do you much harm besides the pain and swelling that you will feel right after. With that said, if you are allergic, a sting from a wasp can lead to anaphylaxis, which can be deadly.

Prior to our wasp nest removal service, you should keep your distance from the nest and the wasps as much as possible. We also advise that you use an insect repellent spray, wash your hands after dealing with food, and wear long-sleeve clothing as much as you can. That way, even if a wasp was to try and sting you, it will have a much more difficult time doing so.